Nutri-Know: Baked tofu sandwich packed with health!

Nutritional Knowledge You Can Use

I like to try different meals when I go out to eat.  When I find something I like, I figure out what’s in it and make something similar at home with a few modifications.  Such is the case with my baked tofu sandwich inspired by a choice on the menu at Twisted Tree Cafe in Asbury Park, NJ.  You might be thinking “tofu? eww”!  But I think you will enjoy this sandwich. 

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Motivational Moment: Age is Just a Number

Getting the most out of your life is what you put into it.  Yes, sometimes easier said than done!  Those who are around me a lot have heard me talk about how it is not too late to get moving and be fitter and healthier. In most cases, it IS a choice.  What we do with our bodies – exercise and being active vs sitting around playing video games –  and what we put into our bodies – healthy nutrition and knowledge vs poison and negative thinking – have an effect on our quality of life.  If you are conscious it is never too late to do SOMETHING positive to have a healthier quality of life.

Like investing in savings for retirement, investing in your health and fitness early is important.  But also like financial investing, starting any time is beneficial!

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